Ukrainian color - new collection by KHUSTYNA

Ukrainian color - new collection by KHUSTYNA

Ukrainian colors - KHUSTYNA brand released a new Ukrainian collection, inspired by the blue of Ukrainian sky and golden wheat fields.



 KHUSTYNA - a brand of unique silk accessories and gifts launched a new collection, the designs of which were inspired by Ukraine, and endless fields and the blue sky, which inspires faith and hope for a free and independent future.

 The traditional combination of yellow and blue symbolizes boundless love for our motherland and unites us all.

The main scarf of the collection with golden wheat resonates with the global problem of supplying wheat to the international trading platform, and actualizes the theme of international prevention of blockade of the Black Sea ports by the aggressor country for free trade and support of the economy of Ukraine.

 Serhii Karpa invited as a designer, was inspired by the badge of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

 The "Colors of Ukraine" collection is already available in the brand's online store


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